Lionel Richie is the Sam Jackson of the record business. Like Samuel Jackson, you never know where you might see Lionel Richie, he could collaborate with Kenny Rogers or Akon(He already collaborated with both). Lionel Richie is soooo underrated and yet he continues to write and produce.
I was listening to some of his classics today and this man writes songs like no other. His lyrics are full of love and full of emotions and should you need any help swooning a lady, go google "Lionel Richie lyrics".
In my humble opinion, Lionel Richie did not just make hits, he made classics! The man wrote and sang great ballads like "EASY", "THREE TIMES A LADY", "STILL", and "HELLO". Enough said. Not to mention he wrote and sang the ultimate "belly rub" (as my cousin Ben calls great ballads) "ENDLESS LOVE", a duet with Diana Ross.
All in all the man is a Classic maker and is still continues to do his thing, much like Samuel Jackson...LOL!
I have one question...What kind of name is Lionel? It sounds like he should be driving a 1996 Lime Green Lincoln Town car with shinny rims while sporting a Jerri-curl. Wait, he didn't have one of those for a minute? Either his mother knew he was going to be famous or he was some country bama born in the 40's...well actually...
I am just glad his talent took him to the top, because the only regular dude I can see with a name like "LIONEL" is a cool, pimped out, Jerri-curl wearing janitor with like 137 keys on his hip. Walking through an empty school singing songs he wrote while mopping up vomit.
Thanks for the Classics Lionel Richie, another certified Classic University Alumni.
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