This man in my opinion was the greatest male vocalist to ever do it. I have never heard a bad Luther Vandross song. Luther was 13 albums deep and that is not counting the holiday, Live and Compilation albums. I would to listen to his albums straight through for hours at a time!!
The lists of Luther Vandross classics are endless. My family and I would listen to the 1989 compilation The Best of Luther Vandross... The Best of Love, in the car, and in the house for hours at a time. One time my family and I was leaving the house to go on vacation and had to turn back around because we forgot to bring Luther with us. I know we probably should have been communicating with each other as a family as we drove to our vacation spot, but would you rather hear your family talk or Luther sing? WOW!! Brings back some memories!!
Luther’s only skill was not just about Luther’s voice, but Luther wrote a lot of this own songs and when he sang them, he felt them and he made you feel them. His songs were about love and life and they were done with class. I for one miss him and everything he brought to music. The old school icon and Classic University Alumni Luther Ronzoni Vandross, would have been 59 years old today.
The man definately had some singing skills. There will never be another like him.