The young, creative designer envisions the Fuzo as a lightweight and sturdy vehicle — thanks to extensive use of Kevlar, carbon fiber and carbon nanotubes — that would be capable of traveling through the air at a top speed of 350 mph, thanks to four powerful turbine engines. It would also be able to take off and land vertically, like Britain's famous Harrier jump jet and the U.S. military's own V-22 Osprey. What's more, upon landing, the Fuzo would extend its retractable wheels and tool around town like a normal automobile.
Other elements Mahieddine envisions for the Fuzo are a GPS system that not only guides the car to its predetermined destination but also communicates with other GPS-enabled ve
hicles for collision avoidance. Additionally, airbags would be placed both inside and outside of the vehicle to both minimize injury to its occupants and cushion the blow to pedestrians or non-GPS-equipped vehicles.

Ok so all I have to do is trade in my 06 Honda Accord and what do you think my payments will be? Possibly about 24.3 million over 7 years? I am certain with my good credit I can get a great interest rate…Piece O cake!
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